Soar to Success November 2017
Debra Reis is a nurse, teacher and author specializing in holistic health and supportive therapies. She is the director and an instructor for the Certification in Clinical Aromatherapy program for the Institute of Spiritual Healing &Aromatherapy and nationally known expert in the area of essential oils for cancer care. Deb is also a Nia Black Belt instructor with current research and recent publication in the area of Nia benefits for women with a breast cancer diagnosis. She is the founder of the Supportive Therapy Engagement Program (STEP) to assist organizations to implement and integrate supportive therapies into a patient treatment plan for better outcomes. Connect with Deb at and on Watch Deb’s video series place a drop or 2 on a tissue and have the patient inhale for a fast and effective way to bring calm and balance. We have developed a policy to have safe, clear standards for how to use the essential oils. Our education included classroom instruction on the policy, how to deliver the essential oil along with uses and safety considerations for each oil. This has been well received and the staff are more comfortable providing the supportive therapy. Here is the link for the full article. If you wish to learn more or have questions, please contact me at my website. Thank you! SOAR TO SUCCESS / N ovember 2017 / Personal Growth Strategies
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