Soar to Success November 2017
Watch Joan’s video series Joan Washburn coaches busy professionals to reclaim a sense of order and balance in their life—to essentially bring “calm to chaos” if you will. When we are overwhelmingly busy, more often than not, our priorities fall victim to circumstance. Her ultimate goal as a coach is for her clients to break free of what is not working for them, discover what they really want for their lives, then support them as they make it happen! Connect with Joan at Washburn Endeavours and on we are acknowledging their expertise and ability. We are allowing them to contribute significantly to our success. Margaret Wheatly, American writer and management con- sultant, sums it up in this way: “When we seek connection, we restore the world to wholeness. Our seemingly separate lives become meaningful as we discover how truly necessary we are to each other.” Successful people are masterful at giving and receiving support. We now know that by seeking support we’re likely to be thought of asmore competent. Researchers at both Harvard and Wharton can’t be wrong! SOAR TO SUCCESS / N ovember 2017 / Business Acceleration Strategies
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