Soar to Success November 2017

Are you steaming ahead through the end of the year with your 2018 goal just a dream at this point? Are you responding to your anxiety meter by saying, “I will begin planning 2018 when it arrives?” Stop and take a breath. What if you had a strategy that helped you chart your 2018 course? We all need a little nudge to work on our business. Mike Slover, Strat- egy Wizard Partner, says “often times small business owners struggle with forging ahead be- cause they lead their business- es from the view inside of the bottle.” This means they are too entrenched in the operations of the business to step back and determine if they are achieving their goals. Would you like to like to learn three steps to activating your 2018 action plan? I thought so. First off, relax and remember that you have achieved quite a bit during the year. Take a moment to reflect on the decisions and ac- complishments you made during the 2017. Honoring the decisions you made during the year liber- ates you to move forward. Here are three steps to help you relieve that anxiety and create an empowering action plan: 1. Be intentional by setting aside a day (away from your company) as your own personal retreat. In- vite two other people that you know, like and trust, asking them to set aside this time to assist you. To achieve favorable results make sure you set aside adequate time to collabo- rate and plan. Most plan- ning days should be at least 6 hours (with a break included). Choose a place free of interruptions and conducive to open commu- nication. Establish a con- cise outline of key points you will cover. Celebrate by reflecting on the suc- cess and learning experi- ences of your last year. 2. Begin with the end in mind by dreaming about what you want 2018 to look like. Take time to dream… you did when By Karen Cupp Fourth Quarter Planning Results in First Quarter Rewards SOAR TO SUCCESS / N ovember 2017 / Business Acceleration Strategies