Soar to Success November 2017

meet your deadlines, or over commit or show up late, you feel bad. That’s because your actions aren’t in keeping with your values or intentions. It’s very frustrating for you because it means something to you to do what you said you would do. Here are 3 questions you can ask yourself to mitigate the stress. 1. Am I taking the actions that are producing the results I want? Tell the truth, it’s either a Yes Or No. 2. How Might I do Things differently? And really look and see how you might do it differently. 3. What action can I take right now that will make this better for me? And then go do it. Go to my website a nd on my resource page you’ll find a Simple Stress Assessment that you can use to evaluate what stresses you the most. Then email me at kris@ and let’s set up a time to talk. We all recognize we live in a world where the number of hours in a day has not changed, yet the sheer volume of demands we face has grown exponentially. Kris Thaller is a Certified Life Coach. She coaches smart motivated professionals who have too much to do in a day and too little time to do it in. She helps them to re-design their days so they can succeed in life and work, and do it with ease instead of struggle in this busy world. Connect with Kris on her website and also on Watch Kris’s video series SOAR TO SUCCESS / N ovember 2017 / Core Business Strategies