Soar to Success January 2018
O ne of the most useful skills that anyone can learn in life is how to acknowledge others. If you want to build the beginnings of a sound relationship with someone, learn to put that person at ease. This can most quickly be done by practicing the art of acknowledgement. It was not until I became a professional coach and learned the skills of coaching that I came to understand thepower of acknowledgement and the impact it has onour relationshipswithothers. I also learned the true difference between a compliment and an acknowledgement. A compliment is something said to express praise or approval. It could be an admiring comment or a kind word. We all like compliments. They make us feel good! However, I’ve noticed that the power of a compliment is short lived, sort of forgotten in a few minutes. That’s because when we give a compliment, we really aren’t speaking to what the person has contributed. Acknowledgement is about honoring someone by recognizing their contribution, something they’ve done that hasmade a significant difference. In order to acknowledge someone, it requires that you actively look for the traits and qualities you find admirable in them and then voice it back to them. It can sound like this. Compliment: “You ran a good training yesterday, Mary” SOAR TO SUCCESS / January 2018 / Core By Kris Thaller Super Authentic Ways to Acknowledge Others
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