Soar to Success January 2018

SOAR TO SUCCESS / January 2018 / Business Acceleration Strategies 3 . Just because you don’t like where you have to start from doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get started. “I’d love to get in shape, but what if I look stupid at the gym? I need to lose some weight before I go.” How long will you put off what you’re capable of doing just to maintain what you’re currently doing? 4 . Stop making uncertain things, certain. Keep in mind - failure is not certain 5 . The only real failure is not taking any action in the first place. One year from today, your life is going to be better or worse than it is right now; it won’t be the same. Whether it’s better, whether it’s worse, whether you’ve made progress or fallen back is going to be a function of the choices you make between now and then. My wish for you was best said by Nelson Mandela: May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears. If you would like to talk about how we might work together to ensure your decisions reflect your hopes vs. your fears , email me to schedule your 30 minute “Awesome18” session. And remember… Whatever Your Goal or Dream....Together WE Can Make it Happen!