Soar to Success January 2018
We have clients who are fairly careful about the hiring process. What we’ve seen is that people don’t leave that client. We’ve placed six professional people for this one client over four years and they’re all still there. The reason, they’re very conscious about their culture, and they want to make sure it’s a good fit for the person coming in as well as for their culture. Build a Culture of Credible Leaders: The hiring manager can make a strong compelling presentation about the opportunity and about their company, but in second interviews with other people, does the candidate sense the same enthusiasm and vision for growth for the company. It’s that corroborating feeling that makes the hiring process successful. Creating that culture starts with what you’re doing right now with your current team and working at always building an environment where people are listened to, where people are taken into the process when decisions are made, so that they feel like they’re in the know on what’s going on. Use Information fromExit Interviews: Always take feedback on how you’re doing as a leader. Take a look at the results of exit interviews, how you interact with your organization now, how many people have you lost over the last three years to opportunities with competitors or opportunities in the same geographic market. Examine why, and always seek to communicate with a better ear to your team. Use exit interviewing, be willing to hear the good, the bad and the ugly about why somebody’s leaving so you can use that information to make your interviews more credible. That’s what attracts good people. If you want to hire the best in a competitive job market, make sure that the team members who will be talking with candidates are as fully engaged as the hiring manager or the owner; build that culture of trust every day, and use data to get better. Your interviewing process will reflect your careful leadership, and you will hire the best in the market place today. SOAR TO SUCCESS / January 2018 / Business Acceleration Strategies
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