Soar to Success January 2018

Building Momentum By Karen Cupp H ow do you feel in January when your New Year’s resolutions don’t deliver on their promises? What tools do you have for reinvigorating yourself and building momentum? Tim Ferris says “life punishes the vague wish and rewards the specific ask.” Momentum occurs from your intentional movement forward toward your goals. Try these four steps to help you be specific in your actions. Begin right now building connections with people. Pull out your goals and review them. For each goal build a list of 10 major players that by building relationship with them you might move closer to your goals. An example might be to improve your public speaking skills. One player on your list might be to find a local Toastmasters club. www.toastmasters. org. Identify why you would like to connect with them and develop a plan to pursue them. Always, take time to consider how you might add value to them in return. Every day is an opportunity to practice and prepare to be amazing. Focus on doing the basics, consistently and excellently. As an example, in the role of a professional SOAR TO SUCCESS / January 2018 / Business Acceleration Strategies “ life punishes the vague wish and rewards the specific ask. ”