Our G.A.P. includes a schedule
and preset goals that lead
to the main goal. We cover
core components of growth
in business like collaboration,
establishing a digital presence,
expansion, and more. Lastly,
G.A.P. empowers our clients
through mapping. Imagine you
need to get to 123 Achievement
Street in Happytown, Global.
Would you just type Global
into your GPS? No! That’s too
broad of a goal. You need to
outline the big goal, segment
it and create action steps with
goals and expectations for each
segmentation. This is how you
attain the larger goal and end up
on Achievement Street.
I hope this helps and remember
to fill the G.A.P!
If you are “Lost at Sea” and are
interested in a free strategy
session to discuss having
your customized TMG G.A.P
created visit us online at
www. themeritgroupindy.comand
schedule your appointment
Shamara Cox has worked with businesses partnering in strategy,
technique and implementation. Shamara is the proprietor of
Shamara Cox LLC, Partner at The Merit Group LLC, CEO ofBLING
Sorority and Founder of Pressed Oil Life Ministries, Inc.
Terry Dove Pittman was Authentication Deputy for former Indiana
Secretary of State Todd, where she acted as International Liaison/
Special Deputy between the State and many foreign embassies and
foreign nationals. She is a Partner in The Merit Group.
Connect with them at
The Merit Group Indyand on
Watch The Merit Group’s
video series
Business Acceleration Strategies