Have you heard this quote by
William Arthur Ward: “
like sunshine, can be a friend
or a foe, a blessing or a curse, a
dawn or a dusk.”
Wondering what that has to do
with your business?
When you hear the word
change, what happens? Do
you cringe? Think – oh no, not
again? Or are you excited about
a new adventure?
I hope you said excited because
the hallmark of a high perfor-
mance work environment is its
ability to SEE CHANGE as a re-
source, as an opportunity to test
your assumptions and systems
and add to the collective knowl-
edge of your team. High-perfor-
mance cultures perpetuate and
regenerate themselves with ev-
ery challenge.
Change is the one constant for
every business
. Your business
success depends as much
on your ability to anticipate,
manage and respond to change
as it does on your product or
service. This means you must
look at change as an opportunity
instead of an obstacle, prepare
your people to recognize these
opportunities and take the right
action at any given time.
Constructing an organization that
relishes change requires thought,
planning and the willingness
to stay with it until you get it
right. Your efforts will pay off
for everyone involved, not just
employees. A high-performance
company will draw-in customers,
investors, and assure lenders.
Building this type of organization
requires vision, structure and
tools. Here are two questions
to ponder as you evaluate the
elements of what it takes to
create a high-performance
environment for your business.
describe what your
company would look like
if it already were a high
performance environment.
What assumptions that you
are currently making need to
change? What obstacles exist?
Creating a High Performance Environment
Is Crucial to Business Success
By Michael Kaplan
Business Acceleration Strategies