Some essential oils that may be
helpful to support cancer care
oil has been shown
to calm and promote sleep.
oil has been
helpful to aid digestion and
reduce nausea.
oil can ease anxiety
and depression.
Essential oils can be a great
support for any health or
wellness plan. However, use
them with respect, know your
source and be aware of quality
factors and safety.
For more information, use
this link to obtain our abstract
and corresponding article. In
addition, more information is at
my website. If you are interested
in bringing supportive therapies
into your facility,
reach out to meand I’ll explain to you my S.T.E.P.
Debra Reis is a nurse, teacher and author specializing in holistic health and
supportive therapies. She is the director and an instructor for the Certification in
Clinical Aromatherapy program for the Institute of Spiritual Healing &Aromatherapy
and nationally known expert in the area of essential oils for cancer care. Deb is also
a Nia Black Belt instructor with current research and recent publication in the area
of Nia benefits for women with a breast cancer diagnosis.
She is the founder of the Supportive Therapy Engagement Program (STEP) to assist
organizations to implement and integrate supportive therapies into a patient
treatment plan for better outcomes.
Connect with Deb at
DebraReis.comand on
Watch Deb’s video series
Personal Growth Strategies