is a place to share
your time, talent and treasure. TMS is holistically
transforming lives by providing learners with
the necessary psycho-social skills to achieve
their absolute best.
Make new friends. Create new connections.
My mission is to get to know each other of our
world. It will make our communities stronger
and we will learn to love each other even with
our differences. Learn to appreciate others’
with diverse backgrounds. Get to know your
neighbors… let start there!
Make your own list of what you can do to feel
connected and walk your talk.
Visit my website
download the checklist about 12 ways to
Improve the World One Light at a Time and join us at Circle of Light on Facebook.Watch Rochelle’s
video series
Holistic Transformation Coach, Author, and Motivational Speaker, Rochelle
Forrest, R.N., encourages individuals to step fully into their soul purpose and live
their full potential. Wouldn’t you like to wake up each morning feeling as though
it was Christmas? Rochelle Forrest has that much joy and enthusiasm for life. Her
mission is to teach you to find it too. Re-Ignite Your Inner Light and the companion
workbook are Rochelle’s action oriented tools that can light your path.
Learn more at he
r website and the website of her philanthropic endeavor,
Tummies, Minds and Spirits.Also connect with her on
Personal Growth Strategies