We just came out of December
– did you know it was
Write a Business Plan month?
Did you write yours?
It’s OK if
you didn’t; it’s not too late to get
started creating a plan to make
this your best year ever. If you
have a vision for what you want
your business to become and
if you really want to make that
vision a reality, then creating a
plan that is your map to get you
there just makes sense.
Use the following six tips to guide
1. Be specific and realistic
about what you want to
This step is about
gaining clarity around two
things. First, you need to be
clear about your vision for
the business; that is what you
want yourbusiness toachieve.
Second, you need to be clear
about how you’ll use your
business plan to achieve that
vision. Your business plan is a
statement of your vision and
a current description of the
main strategies and tactics
you’ll use to make your vision
come true.
2. Choose a time horizon
for your plan.
Since we
are focused on 2017, you
can create a plan based
on this one year. It’s short
enough that it’s likely to not
significantly deviate and long
enough to be a meaningful
contribution toward your
3. Get organized.
It’s key that
you make a commitment to
devote the time, attention and
resources to creating your
plan. Eliminate overwhelm as
much as you can.
4. Think about how you’ll
Getting others within your
organization to contribute
to the creating of the plan,
not only creates a sense of
shared commitment but you
also get the benefit of more
knowledge and help. The
engagement that people feel
when given an opportunity
to participate at this level of
business planning is definitely
worth it. Decide who within
your organization you’d like
to have involved.
5.Make it flexible.
Don’t think
of your plan as a rigid “final
product” with every detail
pinned down. Think of your
plan as a living, growing
document and welcome
opportunities to add to,
revise or even eliminate
parts of your plan as new
It’s 2017,
Are You Prepared?
By Michael Kaplan
Core Business Strategies