Would it be all right with you to
live an extraordinary life instead
of a mediocre life? January is the
perfect time to create the vision
for the “life you would love to
live”. Notice that I said, Love, not,
just Like! It’s important to live a
life we love! What would you love
for yourself, your family, your
community and even the world?
Your vision represents the
dreams you have for your life.
What has meaning and a sense
of purpose for you? What are
you curious about? What is
yours to do in this lifetime?
What makes your heart sing?
What are you doing with your
life so that you know you are
making a difference?
One reason to create a vision
is being discontented with your
current life. Discontentment
means you have an urge to
grow. We all have the urge to
grow, to expand, to develop.
Discontent is not unhappiness;
it’s more a sense of what’s next,
what is my next learning?
Another reason to construct
a vision is to create a personal
world of Inner-Ease. Physical
reality is so full of change and
unpredictability; sometimes it’s
more than we can keep up with.
By having a clear vision for your
life, you create an oasis of calm
within yourself. You can build
your capacity for resilience into
your vision by asking yourself,
“How can I BE more?” Notice,
I didn’t say, “DO more!” BEING
more is quite different than
DOING more! In this 24/7/365
world of complexity, plan to
actually get off the fast-track.
There is no need to wait for
Create a Powerful
Vision for Your Life
By DocPenny Kowal
Personal Growth Strategies