Release Negative Self-
Talk to Hear Your Inner
Have you heard the saying that “
Every blade of grass
has an angel bending over it whispering, grow, grow!
Unfortunately, most of us hear a persistent whisper
that is a bit less compassionate. In psychology it’s
called “the critic,” that punitive voice within that keeps
us feeling inadequate. If you close your eyes and think
about a BIG dream of yours, you might hear it now.
“You’re not smart enough. You’re not special enough.
What makes you think you can do that!”
Experts say that a full 70 – 80% of our thoughts are
negative. Many of us end up as our own worst critic,
with constant negative self-talk going on in our heads.
We are not aware of our true nature, our real identity.
When you are able to release all your firmly held false
ideas and limiting beliefs about who and what you are,
you will experience a tremendous relief of clarity –
relief because you are not the unworthy, undeserving
person you thought you were. When my clients let go
of negative self-talk and critical judgments and allow
self-acceptance and love, they feel lighter!
It’s then that you can begin to hear your inner voice
and promptings.
“It is no good hearing an inner voice or getting an inner
prompting if you do not immediately act on that inner
- David Spangler
So use tools, like those our featured expert Douglas Vermeeren offers, to break free of all things holdingyou back. Then listen carefully for the intuitive thoughts
you receive and act on them to create a life where your
dreams come true.
I hope that the articles in this month’s issue will inspire
and motivate you. Don’t forget to take advantage of
the links to connect further with our contributors.
Pat Altvater
Soar to Success AFP Marketing BizTV Shows