desires. We have similarities that
we experience. Things that inspire
us all may be somewhat different
but the reasons why they inspire
us are very similar. Personal
Power Mastery reveals powerful
tools on how to create more of
the things that inspire and helps
to create the changes that will
bring the most happiness.
SR: What kind of specific tools
will it give them in their life?
DV: Different attendees have
shared that the course has
touched them in different ways.
We have people who have
attended multiple times and gain
something each time. One of the
things that I hear again and again
is how upon leaving they feel as
though they have more clarity on
what they want to do with their
life and practical tools on how to
make those changes.
SR: How can it help people in
DV: If you are a business owner,
your business is a reflection of
you personally. If you are content
to remain where you are at today
your business will stay the same.
A business that does not progress
eventually loses its ground to the
competition. Tobesuccessful today,
we all need to make our personal
development a high priority.
SR: How did you come up with
the concepts and strategies?
DV: As a young man I interviewed
and researched more than 400
of the world’s top achievers first
hand. No one has done this
since the days of Napoleon Hill.
I personally used the strategies I
learned to create the life I wanted
with high levels of wealth and
abundance. Some of what’s out
there today is fluff, but much of
what’s out there is good. And
when I find something good I ask
how can this be made great and
turned into somethingmy students
can use to get results. If it doesn’t
work, I don’t want it. If it does work,
I ask how can I implement it to get
the most results in the shortest
amount of time.
SR: What keeps most people
from experiencing success?
DV: Most people settle. They get
into their habitual tendencies and
they don’t look up. They don’t
consider what they could create.
They think they have no power to
make a different life. As a result
they live their life in a very reactive
way. Reactive people are the
servants of proactive people. If
you are not actively creating your
dreams, you are by default helping
someone else create theirs.
A second reasonwhymost people
don’t create the reality they want
is pain. But not the experiencing
of pain; it’s a fear of pain. They
are afraid of what might happen
so they don’t take action.
SR: Most achievement or change
programs don’t share the things
you are sharing. What kind of
results are your students getting?
DV: Human desires fall into 5
categories. The areas I see our
students succeed in have also
followed these categories, which are:
ABUNDANCE - financial situation,
time abundance, business abun-
dance, opportunity abundance,
as well as, recovering from bank-
ruptcies or massive debts and
business growth on a massive
scale. These are real tangible and
measurable results.
The second area is RELATIONSHIPS
- Troubled relationships heal.