When we can laugh at ourselves and
situations it gives people the permission to
laugh too! Humor and fun attracts people!
When we step back and breathe… we can see
the humor in many situations.
Positive attitude
People attract what they are…. Think happy
thoughts, be grateful, and see the end you
have in mind… Shine! You will attract happier
and more productive team mates! Set your
intention on Love and then your attention
will see love! Love is always expanding!
You can be a more effective leader in many
areas of your life! We need to start a positive
leadership wave! Please catch the wave!
Watch Rochelle’s
video series
Holistic Transformation Coach, Author, and Motivational Speaker, Rochelle
Forrest, R.N., encourages individuals to step fully into their soul purpose and live
their full potential. Wouldn’t you like to wake up each morning feeling as though
it was Christmas? Rochelle Forrest has that much joy and enthusiasm for life. Her
mission is to teach you to find it too. Re-Ignite Your Inner Light and the companion
workbook are Rochelle’s action oriented tools that can light your path.
Learn more at her
website and the website of her philanthropic endeavor,
Tummies, Minds and Spirits.Also connect with her on
Personal Growth Strategies