Kristie Knights is a Licensed Psychotherapist, Collaborative Divorce Coach,
Professional Speaker, Author, and Co‐Owner of the Life Balance Center in Mars,
PA. She facilitates a Divorce Recovery Seminar Series entitled Release, Recover, &
Renew geared for clients going through the divorce process. In her private practice,
she has helped guide hundreds of clients, both nationally and internationally, to lead
a life of joy and purpose. Kristie is a contributing author to Inspired Entrepreneurs:
A Compilation of Women’s Triumphs in Business and Life.
Connect with Kristie at
her website and on
Watch Kristie’s video series
ing to 1000’s of children and
adults about my passion. I
picture it at least twice a day.
Now it is your turn. Picture
success, let go of the imag-
ine and anxiety of failure.
6. You feel so deeply; it clouds
your ability to stay focused on
the task.
Often clients speak to me
about feeling overwhelmed
with emotions. They will say
it is too difficult to stop the
head from thinking; a feeling
of being paralyzed. When
we allow our thoughts to
wander, we can often over-
think, over-analyze, and feel
lost. How often when you
are overthinking are the
thoughts positive? Yes, the
thoughts are negative, in-
creasing the anxiety and cre-
ating a flooding of emotions.
Therefore, STOP. Get out of
your own way.
Use these ideas to start living
fully and powerfully today!
Personal Growth Strategies