GrowYour Business™Coaching founder Jack Klemeyer is recognized as a preeminent
resource for business professionals. As a John Maxwell Certified coach, speaker,
trainer and facilitator of Mastermind groups for business owners and professionals,
his results-driven philosophy calls for action and accountability. He and his Grow
Your Business™ team are dedicated to taking businesses and their owners to the
next level. Jack can be reached at
Jack@GYBCoaching.comor at 317-755-6963.
Connect with Jack at
GYBCoaching.comand on
Watch Jack’s video series
well. To set one up, search online for “Google
Alert” to find out exactly how. It is easy and
will be a benefit for you and your business.
It is also time to review how you are doing
in regard to the goals you set for the year.
Compare what you said you would do to what
you have actually done. You might need to
ask your accountant or other trusted advisor.
That is, if you started the year with a goal, a
plan or some kind of road map. If you did not,
then start now. Make this a time of year to
take stock, give thanks and then reset your
focus for the rest of the year.
Plan, execute, notice and adjust your activities
to move you towards your goal. That’s the
simple formula for success!
Core Business Strategy